EDH Storage for Camping in El Dorado County
Within Northern California, the county of El Dorado lies just under an hour from Sacramento. Known for its beautiful landscapes, blooming forests, and miles of outdoor recreation, El Dorado County offers endless opportunities for hiking, camping and all things outdoors. Whether you are exploring the El Dorado National Forest or relaxing by Lake Tahoe, the county of El Dorado offers something for everyone.
But, every great adventure comes with the challenge of managing your outdoor gear. Tents, kayaks, fishing gear, hiking equipment all need a safe place to stay when they are not being used. Outdoor enthusiasts know how quickly their camping and outdoor gear can clutter a home. This is where EDH Storage steps in to make your life easier!
With a great selection of unit sizes, recording video cameras and convenient access, EDH Storage is the perfect choice for those looking to keep their outdoor gear in a local and convenient self storage facility. Our units range from 5x5 to 15x50 suitable for any occasion, from storing smaller camping essentials to housing larger items like kayaks, tents and tables.
With state of the art security throughout our facility, including secure access and gated entry, you can trust that your gear is safe and well-protected here at EDH Storage. We provide our customers with the utmost convenient access, which gives you the ability to quickly grab your gear and head out to explore the trails, paddle the lakes, or set up camp under the stars.
Check out our facility page for more information about our units and features offered! We look forward to being your first choice of self storage here in El Dorado Hills and El Dorado County!